Once again, Whatcom County voters are being asked to vote on the same jail tax we rejected twice before. This time, our money would go towards building a bigger jail in a bad location. Even though the word "jail" is missing from the description of Prop 4, this is the same proposal we voted down twice in 2015 and 2017 with a new repackaged “mental health” angle. Yet, this plan does not guarantee services, and it locks up funding for community-based services and other essential needs for at least the next 30 years. Based on the cost per bed, this would be one of the most expensive jails ever built in the country. Modeled after a recently built jail in Nashville, a city with one of the highest incarceration rates in the United States, Proposition 4 does not guarantee the services it claims to offer. The jail would be built in a floodplain and far from the courthouse, exacerbating social problems, devastating a wetland, and choking off funds for life-saving services. WE MUST DO BETTER!